Monday, 14 September 2015

UPDATE: On Skin Condition

If you read my blogs, you would know about my skin condition on my hands and legs.

The tablets I received from the doctor in Hong Kong were a bunch of anti-allergy tablets and a set of steroid tablets. Obviously I couldn't take them for long due to side effects, but at least they worked for a while.

So I kept searching the Internet and I came across a blog post saying the exact condition I have and that he also went to various doctors. Even trekking to China for herbal remedies and steroid tablets. 

He said he bought some Milk Thistle vitamin tablets because apparently the condition is caused by the liver. So I thought fuck it, I'll take it. I would try anything to get rid of it. I've been taking it for more than three weeks now and it seems to have worked. 

Usually my skin would clear up for a week, then the blisters would come back, pop and then deep crackers would appear and take a long time to heal. During that time, I would be wearing gloves for everything. 

My hands so far have been okay. I've had the odd spot come up but then they go away the next day. I've also been using coconut oil to moisturise my hands because creams don't last long enough or go deep enough. 

So I wonder now if I should get my liver checked?

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