Monday, 13 June 2016

Kinds Of People You See On The Plane

I travel a bit more now so I didn't have to think too hard about this one. You see some people you wouldn't consider sitting next to because of how they are in public and yet, you're plopped right next to them. Oh don't worry, I'm one of the culprits but only because I get travel sickness so whoever is placed next to me - get ready for me. It's only on planes though and I try to be as polite as possible when hurling. Being ladylike while your gut is on fire is a skill. 

The Hogger
They take up the whole compartment space, stops in the middle of the aisle to place their things away first even though there is a queueing of people behind them. Oh, and the occasional (and accidental) smack to another passenger.

The Hurler
Yeah...that's me. Well, I've grown out of it now (sort-of) so I don't really consider myself in this section even though I do have that horrible nostalgic feeling now and again. I usually turn myself away if there is a person next to me but if I'm in the middle aisle and each side had one family member and one stranger - the family member would get the burden. They're lumped with me.

The Rebel
The ones that don't put their seat belt on. The ones that go to the toilet when turbulence is happening. The ones that undo their belt and start walking to get their stuff, even though the plane had just landed a second ago. Some Asian airlines maaaaaan. 

The Snorer
Self-explanatory. The loudest snorer on the plane. Is it possible for them to be louder than the actual plane?? Well, guess it's possible if you're sitting right next to them. 

The Sleeping Beauty
They can sleep anywhere and anytime. Mainly kids really, although I'm guilty of this too. No joke - from Hong Kong to UK - 12hr flight, I slept for 9hrs straight. Obviously the more you sleep, the more beautiful you are is a lie because I wake up looking like Shrek every time.

The Baby
And I mean, the screaming baby. The parents are tired. The baby is cranky and so is everyone else. I don't mind this one because I can imagine it being tough as the parent. However, if the child is being a demon - no thank you.

The Over-Thinkers
Paranoia can set in easily with them which is understandable because planes can be hella scary. Especially on a long haul flight - you have so much time to think that your imagination goes wild. Pleasedontcrashpleasedontcrash.

The Weak Bladder
Ever had that person next to you who always has to say excuse me because they need the toilet about 40 times? That's my mum. 

The Instagrammer
Again, guilty of this but seriously, if you're lucky enough to have a window seat - take the shot! Being up in the air is such an experience and the marshmallows are just fascinating. 

The Nose Picker
This is absolutely gross. I have seen this on every plane. THERE IS BOUND TO BE ONE PERSON NEAR YOU SCAVENGING FOR GOLD! I don't know whether being in the air causes an overproduction of the green little monsters but don't be doing that activity near me. It's not even dainty or discreet, they get their finger lost trying to find something. Go dig out your public manners, I think you lost that too!

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