Monday, 23 March 2015

Plans For After University?


I don't really believe how quickly it has come around. When I was a first year, I thought, 'Mate, we've got ages yet." WRONG!

I'm going to be graduating this year and I get asked this every single time by a different person.

So, what are your plans for after your degree?

Gulp. *run away*

In all honesty, I don't know. Internships? Jobs? Work abroad? So many choices. My approach is usually see what happens or what comes my way but I know it will not work that way. 

I've been applying but it's still scary. 

My worry is that my degree won't be useful or I won't be in an area that I studied for. It does happen so I'm prepared for it. 

I do wish I was more organised and had something planned out. We're all so concentrated with essays and making the most out of university that we forget about the life after. Or we're in denial. Could be all of it.

Can I just take a nap instead? Plez. 

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