Monday, 31 August 2015

Do I Want To Be Married With Kids Before 30?

To answer this, I don't know. I would like to I think but I don't see it happening. To be honest, I don't know what the future holds.

Your 20s are supposed to be the fun years. The 30s are for settling. And 40s, are....well, I'm not sure yet. 

In most cultures (especially Asian), family would like the woman to be married by 30 and producing babies. 

I wouldn't mind going towards this goal, but I don't know whether it's realistic. I want my eggs to be nice and bouncing. Fertile. 

But then again, do I need to be married before having kids? There are a lot of parents who aren't married but have children together and they seem fine. Although, marriage means you're in it for the long run legally. There's also signs that the couple is cohabiting, have a house, jobs, money and love. 

Another reason I would want this goal to be true is for the grandparents. They're getting quite old now and I would love for them to be at the wedding and for them to be alive when I have children. Will they be here for another 8 years? Anything could happen. 

All I can do it take it day by day. I would love to see what my life planner is but people don't like to with tempt fate. 

Monday, 24 August 2015

Are You Okay? Yes, It's Just My Face.

Isobel, are you okay? You look confused? Are you sad? Are you happy? Am I annoying you? 

Guys, no need to worry. It really is just my face. I will always have a confused/worried expression planted on my face. 

It's equivalent to the 'bitch face', they may look like they're about to set your house on fire but really, they're actually pretty happy inside. 

Also, you will know if I'm grumpy or any other emotion. 

Monday, 17 August 2015

Are You Even Listening To Me?

Ever been in the situation where you're waiting for the "right" time to speak and then when you've just started speaking, someone interrupts you and starts their own bloody conversation. 

Yeah, my life.

It can get tiring repeating everything you've just said because the other person wasn't listening. It doesn't make it seem worth it because they'll probably won't listen again. It can be awkward when you do say everything, and then no one actually replies or ignores you. Doesn't it just make you feel uninteresting?

Either that, someone has to interrupt my conversation, start a new topic and everyone else focuses on that instead. I feel like giving up. It's rude. 

I end up not talking most of the time and just listen. 

Monday, 10 August 2015

I Am Not A Morning Person.

I wish I was a morning person. I would love to see the sun rise. Have breakfast at the appropriate hour. Spend my day being productive. 

But I'm not. I'm more of an owl. My mind works better at night. Inspiration hits me when I'm about to sleep and I start writing. 

When I have woken early in the morning, it's either by accident, I need to be somewhere or I'm on holiday. I think that is the only time I've seen the sunrise is on holiday and it is quite a view. 

Coffee doesn't work either. I love the taste of coffee but it doesn't wake me up. 

I think I take after my mother - she never used to wake up enough to take me to school so my dad had to take me.

Is IHateMorningtitus (yes, I've made that up) hereditary? 

I'm very grumpy and I would end up tired and taking a nap in the early evening.

I find it confusing when I hear people say they had a lie-in until 9am. WHAT? That's a lie-in to you? NOOOO?! My heart breaks everytime I think about it. 

Monday, 3 August 2015

Silence Is Bliss.

I think I'm an introvert. I like my peace, I have no issue being alone and I like silence - it helps clear the mind and makes you think.

According to some extroverts I know, they need to be in the room full of people to get their energy and constantly talking. 

I'm the opposite. I like mingling with people but after a while, I prefer to sit in a quiet(er) room and eat the party snacks. I think I also prefer listening to people talking than doing the actual talking - I like trying to figure out what kind of person they are. Plus, I get my energy from being on my own - a good thing about this is that I wouldn't need to rely on people.

Here's a list of things introverts do (well, what I do):

  • I get happy when plans are cancelled. YAY! Stay in pyjama day!
  • I like doing nothing.
  • Happy not talking to anyone all day.
  • Get really excited when the house is empty.
  • I like doing things by myself e.g. shopping, walking around town, walking to class, going to a coffee shop, having dinner by yourself.
  • Having a big imagination.
  • Being quiet - then people think you're either sad or dead.
  • Happy not leaving the house for days.
Sometimes I don't want to talk to certain people because maybe they don't interest me. Sometimes they talk poop and I like to shut my ears away. 

There are so many rules to social etiquette and there will always be someone who thinks you haven't got any because they think you're being rude. But in reality, you're just shy or awkward.

"When in doubt, don't go out."