Friday, 18 January 2013

Time To Say Goodbye?

I found out some sad news.

My friend Amy said she was thinking of moving universities closer to home for second year.

I felt very sad. Me and Louise* were really looking forward to living with her next year since all three of us have been together since halls in 2012.

She explained to us that it was a money issue. That she wanted to keep her job at home. Didn't want to spend money on acccomodations. She didn't want to keep spending money on train tickets back home. She missed her family. She said she didn't want to live in Southampton anymore.

At first, I thought this was Preston's doing - Making her move back home so he control her. It didn't sound like her. I thought she loved her uni life. But she has changed since coming back. She was happy to be in a house with us before Christmas. I don't think this is Preston's work here. I think this is Amy. But then I think, why go home most of the time when it is expensive? Why go on holiday later this year? Why live in the other end of the country? It gets too confusing.

She said her options were either go back home or live in halls. She already inquested the university about transferring without letting us know and we already booked to view a 5 bedroom house.

I'm worried for her. I'm worried she's doing this for a boy. I'm worried she'll end up alone. I'm worried she'll regret this in 10 years time. She would be leaving her life here and her friends behind. Her friends at home have all gone to university.

Her boyfriend doesn't visit her in Southampton anymore since his inappropriate behaviour last time. If this is due to him, we have reassured her that he is welcome to come down when we move into our new house. We'll all be polite. Otherwise if he's unwelcome, then she'll feel unwelcome. We don't want that.

I hope he makes her happy this time. I hope she stays. We'll all miss her so much if she goes. We'll always be there for her.

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