Saturday 30 July 2016

Things I've Learnt About Hong Kong Summers So Far

You learn about the local bugs and creatures
Yup, some you knew existed. Others just are like wow, get out of my room, wtf is that, hell no. Newest revelation? Big flying cockroaches. Just wow. It's like God hates us or something. Oh, and they don't die by the way.

You gotta shit quick
Summer's here and boy, that poop better be urgent because you stay in there for more than five minutes, the house is gonna be flooded by your sweat. I'm serious. Unless your bathroom has aircon then good for yooooou.

UK summer clothes vs HK summer clothes
I thought, yes I can wear summer clothes I couldn't wear in UK because it was never hot enough. Oh my god, the weather here is so different. You can't wear tshirts, it has to be either vest tops or nothing. You can't wear certain colours either because sweat will show

People stare
So because it's hot, you would think it's appropriate to wear anything short because anything longer you'll end up combusting. People stare like they've never seen an exposed shoulder before, so you can imagine their faces when I walk around with my legs AND my toes out. Jeez. Yes it's summer and yes I am hot, I'm allowed to wear this. Everyone here still wears long sleeves and leggings. I ain't climatised yet fooool.

More sweat equals more spots
Yup, my skin hasn't been happier. Thank goodness - I was worried my skin was getting too clear.

Shower twice a day
I shower at night because I like to be clean before I go to bed. I know some people need it for waking up in the morning or they just somehow transform into something horrendous in the middle of the night or don't shower at night. You really have to shower at night from a day of sweating, and then have a shower in the morning after a night of sweating. Plus new smells have come out since being here. Like ew, what is this. This did not exist back in UK.

Whiter the better
Nearly everyone I see has an umbrella up to prevent sun damage and to preserve their pale skin. And then there's me trying to get a tan. You should see all the whitening products here. 

Speaking of umbrellas
Seriously, whether it's torrential rain or sunny, people with umbrellas up don't give a fuck if they poke your eyeballs out. Nah, it's okay fam, I've got some spare ones back at home. Don't you worry about it. Also, I'm 5ft3 so for the smaller people holding them, I'm the perfect jabbing height.

When it rains, it's pours
UK has signs like drizzling before it definitely plunges down. The UK weather is polite like that. Here, well. The person with the umbrella may have poked you in the eye but you better be besties with them. HK just pours. Oh wait, I guess the ominous clouds is a sign, along with a huge crackle of thunder and then, yeah, good luck mate. It all happens very quickly. What about typhoons? Hahaha, so long buddy.

So you wanna look pretty? Shame
I'm a makeup lover. I love wearing it and experimenting with looks. Since coming here, wow. You need to stock up on humidity resistant products and anything waterproof to protect you from that Level 10 typhoon. Lol, urban decay setting spray to save the day. But seriously, as soon as you step outside for a minute, your makeup will try and run back indoors to cool down. You wanna know what makeup lovers look like in 100% humidity? Check out the matchmaker from Mulan. Shit you not, accurate representation. I'm still gonna pile it on though, I'm persistent.

Mother nature hates your hair
So it'll go two ways, either your hair will go "poooof!" or it'll be dead to the world. Unfortunately, I'm the latter. No amount of hairspray, dry shampoo, grips or backcombing will make my hair look magical in this heat.

Eat things quick or the ants will
So going back to the bugs point, yeah this one is pretty nasty. I don't like bugs and so when ants come into the house, I do not handle it well. I talc the floor and spray everywhere until the bastards suffocate. I really do not like bugs at all even though I know they have an important role in the ecosystem. I just can't. Also if the ants don't, the mould will instead. Eat fast, food sweats too. Oh and I have to use dehumidifying bags too, otherwise my clothes will be the same as the bread.

I don't think I will get used to this summer. One minute I'm in a shop with the aircon blasting, next I'm back out in the 35 degree heat. Then I'm back in another shop and then back out again. My body can't cope.

Monday 18 July 2016

Would I Be Friends With Myself?

If I had an exact clone of myself (personality wise), would I be friends with it?

Hell yeah.

To give a brief summary of myself:
  • I am shy
  • Socially awkward - to elaborate, say weird things when I'm nervous or am very quiet bordering on rude or non-existent 
  • I like my own company
  • I am an ambivert, so not totally introverted because I do like people
  • Laid back
  • Procrastinator 
  • I doubt myself (WAY) too much
  • Grumpy
  • I love cartoons and playing games

You get the gist.

It's so hard to find someone who gets you. Who doesn't judge or question the way you are - they just know and appreciate your presence. Finding that kind of understanding and patience is like catching a freaking rare Pokemon. 

When you find someone who is similar to you, there's no effort to the friendship - well, sorta. It's easier. You just click and it's a fantastic feeling. It's usually the feeling of relief because making friends can be hard enough, let alone trying to maintain one.

I often see myself as boring, weird or just too damn quiet and I can see it put people off but that's okay. It's part of my character and I think it would be great to be friends with a clone who accepts that. Plus what I personally find boring or weird within myself may be the total opposite to the other person.

So clone, where you at?!

However I will do a post explaining "No" to this question too, just so I can see two sides.

Monday 13 June 2016

Kinds Of People You See On The Plane

I travel a bit more now so I didn't have to think too hard about this one. You see some people you wouldn't consider sitting next to because of how they are in public and yet, you're plopped right next to them. Oh don't worry, I'm one of the culprits but only because I get travel sickness so whoever is placed next to me - get ready for me. It's only on planes though and I try to be as polite as possible when hurling. Being ladylike while your gut is on fire is a skill. 

The Hogger
They take up the whole compartment space, stops in the middle of the aisle to place their things away first even though there is a queueing of people behind them. Oh, and the occasional (and accidental) smack to another passenger.

The Hurler
Yeah...that's me. Well, I've grown out of it now (sort-of) so I don't really consider myself in this section even though I do have that horrible nostalgic feeling now and again. I usually turn myself away if there is a person next to me but if I'm in the middle aisle and each side had one family member and one stranger - the family member would get the burden. They're lumped with me.

The Rebel
The ones that don't put their seat belt on. The ones that go to the toilet when turbulence is happening. The ones that undo their belt and start walking to get their stuff, even though the plane had just landed a second ago. Some Asian airlines maaaaaan. 

The Snorer
Self-explanatory. The loudest snorer on the plane. Is it possible for them to be louder than the actual plane?? Well, guess it's possible if you're sitting right next to them. 

The Sleeping Beauty
They can sleep anywhere and anytime. Mainly kids really, although I'm guilty of this too. No joke - from Hong Kong to UK - 12hr flight, I slept for 9hrs straight. Obviously the more you sleep, the more beautiful you are is a lie because I wake up looking like Shrek every time.

The Baby
And I mean, the screaming baby. The parents are tired. The baby is cranky and so is everyone else. I don't mind this one because I can imagine it being tough as the parent. However, if the child is being a demon - no thank you.

The Over-Thinkers
Paranoia can set in easily with them which is understandable because planes can be hella scary. Especially on a long haul flight - you have so much time to think that your imagination goes wild. Pleasedontcrashpleasedontcrash.

The Weak Bladder
Ever had that person next to you who always has to say excuse me because they need the toilet about 40 times? That's my mum. 

The Instagrammer
Again, guilty of this but seriously, if you're lucky enough to have a window seat - take the shot! Being up in the air is such an experience and the marshmallows are just fascinating. 

The Nose Picker
This is absolutely gross. I have seen this on every plane. THERE IS BOUND TO BE ONE PERSON NEAR YOU SCAVENGING FOR GOLD! I don't know whether being in the air causes an overproduction of the green little monsters but don't be doing that activity near me. It's not even dainty or discreet, they get their finger lost trying to find something. Go dig out your public manners, I think you lost that too!

Saturday 11 June 2016

Things I Say Sorry To

I say sorry to a lot of things. Sometimes because the things that happened were an accident, the other times - not so much. Oops. The important factor is who or what I've said sorry to which has made me question how weird or terrible I am.

Here is a list of things I have said sorry to and their reasons.

1.The table leg, because I thought I kicked a human.

2. The Toy Story 3 'Peas' plushie because they fell down the side of the bed.

3. A Chinese woman on the train because I went to uncross my legs in a crowded area and decided to full on kick her. Accident, of course. I ain't that mean.

4. A hungry bird while eating food because I didn't want to get into trouble for feeding things that poop on us.

5. To a woman for grabbing her t-shirt and hair while I was falling backwards on a moving train. She was the first thing I saw to grab because I panicked.

6. To my grandma for eating the last bun after finally telling me she had never tried those buns before, even though she encouraged me to eat it. Eh? My guilty conscience is bad.

7. This is a bad one, pouring a bit of orange squash over my sister when we were younger because she was annoying me. REALLY AM SORRY FOBO!

8. To a cat because I had to put it down on the ground after cuddling it and it was still purring. 

9. To my cousin for dropping her after she was climbing on me. 

10. To locals in Hong Kong because I don't speak Cantonese. Actually they say sorry to me too for not speaking English which shouldn't be the case.

11. To anyone I'm speaking to before my phone battery dies.

12. To people I'm walking with in a group because I've got little legs and I'm slow. But seriously, they need to slow their long legs down. Tiny over here can't keep up.

13. To my boyfriend because I didn't feel like having sex - for the third day in a row...

14. To family and friends because I'm not drinking alcohol on a night out...or enough of it

15. My eyelids after pinching the skin with an eyelash curler.

I'm sure there are plenty more but for now, this is all I can remember. You get the gist, I say it to random objects and people. To be honest, I sound really clumsy.

Monday 21 September 2015

Dear Diary: The One With The Back Pain.

So for about a week now, I have had really bad lower back pain. Like, awful. To the point where I can't bend, put on my socks, my knickers properly or sit like a human being. 

I had back pain last year. Doctor said I apparently slipped a disc or tore a liagament. Still not sure because when I told the nurses at Minor Injuries, they said I would need an ultra scan to see if that was true or it had happened again. Oh yeah, went to MIU on Saturday 19th Sept because my back was that bad. I thought my back was getting better because I could bend enough to put up something halfway but that morning - my god. Usually I would roll out of bed if my back is bad and then sit up. Rolling to my side hurt me a lot and then sitting put pressure on my lower back which killed. Then I tried standing up but I fell to the ground. My back felt like it was going to collapse. I sat on my knees on the floor for about 15 minutes. I tried to pull myself up on the bed but it was too painful. 

Oh forgot to say, I did my back in while I was cleaning and trying to lift up rice. Massive rice cooker pot and yeah, ended it for me. Cyal8er, posture. 

Anyway, that day I was in charge of roast dinner while my parents went out so it was me, Phoebe, my great aunt and cousin. After trying to get up to go down wasn't easy. I couldn't even wipe my butt after the toilet. I started crying, not just because of the pain but because I felt so useless. After that, trying to put my clothes on was hard. I burst out crying again, phoned Phoebe and she helped me get dressed. 

Got down to the kitchen, got roast cooking and I was not good. My cousin told me at midday to go to the hospital with my great aunt. I was too stubborn to go. I waited until after dinner. I had lost my appetite for the past few days. Tasha (employee and friend) came for dinner with us and I asked her to take me to the MIU and she gladly took me and waited with me. Really appreciate her for doing that. I don't like asking favours but I wouldn't have been able to walk up.

Saw the nurses and they gave me some painkillers to help control the pain. Tried to sit on the bed - no luck, I cried. They sent me across the hall to see Devon doctors. We waited at the hospital for a good 2 hrs. Due to lack of staff, MIU closed at 6pm so we were the last patients to see. I stood up for that time because hurting would have made me stiff. He waddled over to the room and he touched my spine and back. He asked Tasha to touch my back and she said one side was hard as a brick and the other was soft as a pillow. Asked him why and he said one side was compensating for the other. He told me I have severe muscle spasm, so I wonder if I had the same last year but then again, my grandmother said she pushed something in last year when she was massaging it. 

He's given me some codeine and also laxatives because apparently the meds make you bunged up so that's nice. 

TODAY: 21st Sept - I was expecting my back to kill like it has been most mornings but I stood up fine. I have no idea what Saturday was about. I still have to move about because I get stiff easily and I can't sit for too long. I've been taking the codeine but I don't feel it kick in until much later. It just feels more like nerve damage which is why I thought it was sciatica again like last year but who knows. 

Can you imagine my back when I'm pregnant? Jeez. 

Dear Diary: The One Where Peter Visited

Peter visited me a couple of weeks ago for more than a week. I really did miss him a lot. I was looking forward to his presence. I even cleaned the bathroom before he came. Actually, I clean the bathroom anyway but I did it a day before he came so I could make a good impression...with my bathroom. I've just realised he wouldn't care anyway.

I met him at the station. First thing I said to him when he got off the train was, "Goddamn you need a haircut!". It had really grown out since May and it looked awful, but I was happy to see him despite me telling him off. Oh, and he didn't forget his phone last time. The time before, he left his phone on the train and it was never seen ever again. Silly boy.

Thing is, when he did come down, I was mostly working downstairs in the kitchen so I was annoyed that I couldn't spend that limited time with him. When he was down, I would shout at him to say GET OUT OF MA WAAAAY! because ya know, he was in the way of the fridge where the foods are. So I was a nightmare and I bet he was bored out of his mind because there's nothing to do in Honiton. Felt so bad.

When we did go somewhere or wanted to go somewhere nice, we either had to take the train or bus but that one day we wanted to go out - it was a bank holiday. Not much was running. This is when I would get frustrated with myself because I can legally drive but don't have a car, so I'm stuck and plus, I'm trying to save money for house or job or whatever.

Another thing was that I kept telling him off but my patience has worn thin now for some reason. Although he was pretty annoying. Most of the time, actually, ALL OF THE TIME, he would follow me everywhere. Follow me to the bathroom. To the toilet. To the kitchen. It was like having a puppy. Sweet but oh dear. My family members would watch him follow me and then look at me with a scowl on my face. They found it sweet but I was like DON'T CHU DARE. I think I got fed up that he wouldn't go anywhere independently. Or unintentionally, he would be in my way and I tell him to move so I could go somewhere and he would awkwardly run in the direction of where I was going. Sigh. 

Even though my patience is not exactly there anymore, I still love him. He was annoying and I could've killed him but I didn't feel like kicking him out. If I couldn't deal with him, I would have. With my last ex-boyfriend, he planned to stay with me for a month while his family moved house and after about a week or two, he drove me absolutely nuts! I kicked him out to his dads. But with Peter, it was different because I could stand him - for some reason. It shows how much patience I have left for this one. 

Right, I've read this through - yeah, I sound like a moany old cow but I do love him. FOR REALS. Anyway, I was upset that he left to go back home but at least I had the bed to myself again. Apparently I kept going diagonally and he had to keep moving me back. Naaah bitch, that's my side too. 

Peter, if you read this, please luff meh still. 

Monday 14 September 2015

UPDATE: On Skin Condition

If you read my blogs, you would know about my skin condition on my hands and legs.

The tablets I received from the doctor in Hong Kong were a bunch of anti-allergy tablets and a set of steroid tablets. Obviously I couldn't take them for long due to side effects, but at least they worked for a while.

So I kept searching the Internet and I came across a blog post saying the exact condition I have and that he also went to various doctors. Even trekking to China for herbal remedies and steroid tablets. 

He said he bought some Milk Thistle vitamin tablets because apparently the condition is caused by the liver. So I thought fuck it, I'll take it. I would try anything to get rid of it. I've been taking it for more than three weeks now and it seems to have worked. 

Usually my skin would clear up for a week, then the blisters would come back, pop and then deep crackers would appear and take a long time to heal. During that time, I would be wearing gloves for everything. 

My hands so far have been okay. I've had the odd spot come up but then they go away the next day. I've also been using coconut oil to moisturise my hands because creams don't last long enough or go deep enough. 

So I wonder now if I should get my liver checked?