Tuesday 26 March 2013

"Hush Little Baby Don't Say A Word. Mummas Gonna Leave You All Alone."

On Saturday 23rd March 2013, a picture of a sleeping baby had recently been circulating around the news because the image show the little newborn left alone in a car, with a piece of note saying: "My mums in doing shopping. Call her if I need anything."

How did I feel? Annoyed, disappointed and disgusted. I'm not a mother yet but I know the basics. Never leave a child, especially a baby on its own. In my perspective, that's a trait of an unfit mother if you are abandoning your child. I can imagine myself being quite protective and worrying sick.

Sources said the mother was 'tired' and she didn't want to wake up her sleeping baby. No excuses. If I was her, I would still take my baby in with me, even it does wake up. What that woman did was illegal too - You're not allowed leave a child on its own if it is under the age of 14 in New Zealand. 

Also in the news recently, MP David Jones expressed that gay marriages wouldn't provide a safe environment for children. Pfft. That's a bunch of bull. I think gay parents are better mothers and fathers than that woman who left her baby unsupervised. What's different? They'd be doing the same role as a straight parent would. Giving the child love, care and a home. 

What was the point of having children if she wasn't going to take full responsibility of her child? 

Any good, minded parent would've either sat in the car with her baby whilst it slept until it wakes up, or gently place the child in the pram and take he/she with her. Even if they do wake up, as a parent, you're meant to calm the baby down. Babies aren't a burden. What if the baby did suddenly wake up in the car all alone? Hungry or needed changing? The people on the outside wouldn't be able to do anything but watch and call the mother. They didn't call the police because they felt sorry for the 'tired' mother. 

If they did, the mother would have either lost the child or be fined a huge amount. It'd be a lesson learnt for her bad decision making. 

So David Jones, what did you mean when you said gay parents wouldn't provide a safe environment for children? Did you mean like abandoning a newborn baby in a car like this straight mother did? I think he should think before he speaks. 

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