Thursday 21 February 2013

"When You're Upset, Just Imagine A T-Rex Making A Bed."

Definition of blog
  • a personal website or web page on which an individual records opinions, links to other sites, etc. on a regular basis.
verb (blogs, blogging, blogged)
[no object]
  • add new material to or regularly update a blog:it’s about a week since I last blogged
  • [with object] write about (an event, situation, topic, etc.) in a blog:

My last piece caused backlash. I send my apologies but I won't take it down. 

People said they wanted a chance to have their say, this was my chance to have mine too. I didn't speak during that meeting. I don't like being put on the spot. I like to absorb what I've seen and think about it. I express myself in writing, people know how quiet and reserved I am. After I posted my blog, I was accused of 'bitching' and it hurt I was told that when I didn't. I didn't mean for it to come across that way.
I've re-read it - it does sound a bit harsh but that's how I felt. My friend told me how she likes my honesty in blogs because she could never be that brave to do it. I wrote down how I saw the situation in my own words. It was my view. Everyone can see this blog which is why I try to be as diplomatic and unbiased as possible. 

If I want to be a journalist, I guess I need negative response to toughen up my skin, but I don't welcome it. No-one does. I understand not everyone is going to like my blog. If I offend anyone then I do say sorry, but I won't take it down if emotional guilt is involved.  

Family members and friends have said it was a brave thing I did putting up the meeting blog. It was risky but I took the chance. I guess that's what you do in life, take chances. This can also relate to my 'Sliding Doors' blog - What if I didn't post that piece? I think my opinions would've been buried with me and I probably would've regretted not saying my part.
I've never complained about anyone. The amount of times I have heard screaming, drunken walk-ins or how bad junk food is - I don't complain. I don't want to. I let them get on with it. That's where my loyalties lie. In the middle. That's why I didn't have a say. It didn't relate back to me. Even if I did say something, I think it would've been batted down or not affected the situation.

I changed for the better ever since someone called me a two-faced bitch in Year 9 and it hurt me deep. I wouldn't dream of going back to the way I was in early secondary. I was so young and stupid to behave that way. My mum brought me up to be good. She's taught me what is unethically and morally wrong. My mother said my blog was fine and I trust my mother. Mothers are the first to slap you down if they think their child is at fault. 

At the end of the day, it was my choice and I accept the consequences. This blog is my responsibility. I want to be a tougher cookie for the future. This is a good learning curve.

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