Thursday 31 January 2013

Halls From Hell.

Ok, I know the title is a bit extreme but in some peoples situations, it can be like that for them living here.

I live in a hallway and a kitchen full of 10 other girls. All lovely and want to do well at university. I live on the 4th floor which is the top of the building and one advantage of living here is how quiet it can be. Other floors such as floor 2 are loud and that can be a nuisance to other students who want the peace and quiet that we have.

However, when there is "some" noise, people complain. Perhaps it's because they're not used to the new background sound that has befallen them. Extreme I know but lately, people have gotten complaints, warnings, meetings and it's just getting ridiculous and out of hand.


I had an encounter with noise coming from my flatmates once. It was near the beginning of being in So'ton, roughly about 4 days in. They came back and put their music on loud. At the time, I only went out once nightclubbing (which was 2nd night I was here) and didn't want to go out again until Fresher's properly started.
Reasons were due to saving my money and to build up my anticipation for Freshers Fornight. Anyway, I came out to tell them to turn the music down a tiny bit. They obliged and I went back to sleep.

However, the next morning, I found out that two of my flatmates heard I came out and complained that I was 'always sleeping' and 'never go out'. Luckily, the other flatmate supported me by saying that I deserved respect by turning the noise down. I've been thankful for her ever since. It's a shame they didn't know my reasons for not coming out.

I've also never made another complaint or come out to tell them off when they go out, only because I told my mother about it the next day and she told me it was a bad idea, otherwise they'll think i'm a party pooper all the time and told me to buy earplugs.
When Freshers did start, I was buzzing for it, whilst some were pooped out already from 5 days of partying. Silly billys.

I've never minded or complained about the noise since but others have and it's affecting everyone.

It makes me sad that some people have made complaints, even about people who weren't here to make the noise! Someone even thought I made a complaint when I did sod all.
I'm quite an understanding person. Everyone is still 18/19, they're enjoying the experience of being young, because when they're 40 and staggering in execessively drunk, er, it will probably a bit unacceptable by then.

On the other hand, for the people who complain, I see it from their perspective. They've got lectures the next morning, a job to go to, or get fed up that the noise carries on until 7am.

But both teams need to take into consideration that students either just want to have fun or just sleep, but hinting to other flatmates that they should leave the hallway isn't acceptable. Its not nice.

My boyfriend said to me, "You're in a kitchen with 11 big personalities. Of course it's going to clash." He's very observant. He acts like my second pair of glasses and he was right.

I'm in a hallway full of opinions. Someone was going to disagree with someone else at some point. I've found out some of their true nature is to cause problems and disagree. Thats just being nasty.

I moved away from that ever since Year 9, when an ex of mine called me a two-faced-bitch. It hurt so bad and affected me. So I changed for the better. And I like it. I only say something if I have a good reason to. I don't say it willy-nilly. Negative things people say and do shows and it takes its toll on their faces.

I like to see people in a good light, but if I get a bad vibe from them, I'll keep my guard up.

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